Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Mr Lowe.
Dear Sir
As you are
I have now been at home as you know 5 weeks through sickness which prevented my leaving the house on 25th ***  and of which you are aware. I hope to return to duty   Having seen the house and knowing us as you do you will I feel sure have no hesitation in bearing witness agreeing with me that the house it is in splendid condition and that every reasonable care has been taken of it. As you had not let the house we cannot have hindered you letting another tenant; which would of course have the notice made quite a different matter of it board, moreover has never been taken remained up ever since you put it there and we have as you are aware. I trust under him quite willing to show anyone intending at any time the house all the circumstances therefore you will not be harsh and that you will kindly allow us to leave at the half quarter.

Of course there are many things to be done which were promised me when I took the house a year ago and which I have already enumerated to you. The kitchen stove must be re-set and the smoke be prevented from coming into the house which it does instead of going up the chimney;  a moveable  window in the scullery is an absolute necessity. The roof leaks in several places and the damp in the front room must be prevented. The hall & staircase paper has never been varnished and you know the front door frame has shrunk away from the brock work and allows wind and rain to come in just as it will. The Pantry window has never been finished and the room over the kitchen is very damp and we cannot have a fire without being stifled with smoke. The base of the fence at the back being composed of mould and clay has crumbled & been washed away by the rain until we are at the mercy of any and every dog and cat that chooses to come in and annoy us, and therefore requires to be made good. The floors of the landing bath room and sitting are in a very bad condition, tho the kitchen floor & attire we were never obliged to get done ourselves. The taps require new washers and the lavatory bowl in the bathroom a chain to the plug. The While  the front bedroom door has actually shrunk so much it cannot be closed.

Packing cases: Cheap; various sizes; capital for fowl houses; fencing re singly or clear lot cheap (about twenty) Ivanhoe Abbotsford Avenue, West Green N. Evening after 5

Packing cases: Cheap; various sizes about twenty; capital for making fowl houses; clear lot or singly. Ivanhoe Abbotsford Avenue, West Green N. Evening after 5

These are written on two separate pieces of paper. I have come to the conclusion that they are possibly ‘advertisements’ that have been written on.

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