Saturday, 21 January 2012

Envelope dates 06 August 1895 from Sittingbourne

A Hockley Esq
44 Eleanor Road
Romford Road
London E

Friday morn

My dearest Old Man,

Thanks so much for your letter of yesterday. I was so very much relieved to find that you were ready to accept my explanation of the affair – it helped a very great deal to make the day a pleasant one, though I was awfully sorry to find you had decided not to run down. You see, I did not like to write again till I heard from you, or I should have arranged for you to have got a letter on Thursday morning. On Wednesday morning, as the spots on Artie’s chest had not disappeared, & I was not at all sure that it might not be infectious, I sent for Dr. Fisher – but Marmion came. Strange to say the boy likes him best –he is a good deal jollier & really he was most nice & gentle. He overhauled the boy thoroughly, sounded him back & front, took his temperature, saw to his throat, tongue, eyes & everything else he could. He said he evidently had a tendency to throw off any little disorder in the form of these spots, that it was nothing infectious or dangerous, but due to great heat of the blood & excitement. He said he might safely go to Herne bay so long as he didn’t rush about & then get into draughts, in fact, the sea air would do him much good, the more he had the better, so long as it was air that suited him. He spoke strongly against eating rubbish & said he should take quaker oats, bread & milk, light puddings etc Otherwise, except for this he said he thought his Constitution was a good one & that he was strong & healthy & beautifully formed. He made the boy laugh he sat on his knee quite friendly. He sent him a powder & some med:, but the med: makes him sick, the powder acted very well.
This morning he is so excited over your letter, that I’ve had to promise to whip him. When I took it upstairs to him, he blushed and trembled so that he couldn’t open it. “Oh” he said “so he’s had time to write at last” He wont part with it, but has got it in his trousers pocket. This time next week I hope to be home. Either on Wed: or Thursday – most likely Thursday.

With much love from both
Yours lovingly

**separate note with same letter**

Artie thoroughly enjoyed himself yesterday at Herne B. Beautiful day, but not too hot. He paddled to his hearts content & this morning looks much better. I don’t think he has taken any harm. I am so glad about your mother. It is very nice foe her to take so kindly to the thought of myself, when of course, I might be the most horrid thing under the sun for all she knows. I’m not, so it’s all right! Unfortunately I cannot as yet reconcile the boy to the thought of her, he says he doesn’t like old people only Mr Waters, they are always ill & he likes well people. “Has she got a bent back” he wants to know. “What’s her face like” till I could give him a good shove. He also wants to know if you caught any fish when you were at Boston.

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