Wednesday, 8 February 2012

This Document is still literally just about one piece of paper....I had to handle it with great care!

No of Plaint Y11473
Between             Arthur Hockley                                                                                                                  Plaintiff
                         Messrs Hudson Bros

You are hereby required to attend at the Court House, Guildhall Buildings, in the City of London, in Wednesday the 25th day of September 1895, at the hour of eleven o’clock in the Forenoon, and so from day to day until the above Action is tried, to give evidence in the above cause on behalf of the plaintiff and also to bring with you and produce the several documents hereunder specified, and all other books, papers, writings, and other documents relating to the above action which may be in your custody, possession or power
In default of your attendance, you will be liable to a Penalty of Ten Pounds, under Section 111 of the County Courts Act, 1888, payment of which fine may, under Section 167 of the Act, be enforced upon the Order of the Judge in such manner as payment of a sum adjudged to be paid on summary conviction may be enforced under the Summary Jurisdiction Acts, that is to say, by distress and sale of your goods, or in default, or in lieu of distress, by imprisonment.

Dated this 24th day of September 1895

To Charles Kemp                                                                              J.ANSTEY WILD
of 94 Milkwood Road                                                                                                     Registrar of the Court
Loughborough Junction. S.E.

Here insert List of Documents required to be produced.

A book to prove the starting time of the 1.25 pm train to Sittingbourne on 13th July 1895.

Blue italic is hand written

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